Book Arts

Wabi-Sabi of Nature - on square canvas black background.jpg
This is where a caption would be.

I was brought up with books being precious.  It took me a very long time to be able to cut up, fold, or otherwise alter a book.  But, when I found some beautiful, old, books discarded in a dumpster, I decided that I would actually be saving books by re-purposing them into art.  Especially now as books are being replaced by electronic media, I feel that it’s important to show the magnificence of books.  As this is a worldwide dilemma, my work uses books in many different languages. 

Note:  Handmade artist’s books using my original photography and fine art prints, sculptural books of re-purposed found materials, and ceramic books and small sculptures are also part of my artistic repertoire.   


Fiber Arts


Sculpture & Installation